Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brooklyn's First Birthday!!!

Off to a great start with birthday pancakes!!

My parents sure think Brooklyn is pretty great!

Lunch at Mr. Pancho's

Lovin' that Mexican food
We were all surprised by a serenade!!  Not all of us were happy about it though!
Singing?  Dessert?  What's not to love?
Hmmm...if she doesn't want her special dessert...
Back home for present time!!
I tihnk she liked being the center of attention.
She had a good ol' time...

On the box from Poppy and Grandma!  When will everyone learn that all she needs is paper and a box?!
Time for cake

She wasn't so sure at first.
Daddy gave her a little encouragement.
Then she got going!

With her birthday candle from GG and Poppy Duke
I've got to admit, I have a pretty cool sister.  Happy Birthday, Brooklyn!