We played and played and did our usual things...
...and we loooved having an audience!
We tried to be as cute as possible!!
Playing "night night" with Grandma
Building with my new old-school Lincoln Logs
GG helped Brooklyn get around!
In choo choo heaven!
Poppy and Grandma brought Thomas for me to ride!!
It was hard, but I let Brooklyn have a turn too!
We got to Skype some of our aunts, uncles and cousins. Aren't our great-grandparents hip and cool?
Bedtime meant lots of hugs...
One morning GG gave Brooklyn and I each a very special gift.
She gave me a puppy I can walk myself! (GG--all my friends love this puppy when they come over!! I make sure they take good care of it, of course!)
She gave Brooklyn a little doll.
We loved our special gifts!
GG got me hooked on reading the comics each morning!
After we went to bed, there was some Guys vs. Gals Euchre going on! I heard the Gals were the Grand Champions of the week!!
Big Guy, Little Guy
Poppy and Grandma gave me my first set of golf clubs and a few lessons!
I sure look the part, huh?!
Can you believe my parents hid my trains for over half of the week before they told me they brought them?? I was really missing them, so they brought them out!!
Cute, cute, cute!