We flew into Chicago, and we were able to meet Uncle Mike and Auntie Em for breakfast!

I was VERY tired after the traveling. Luckily, we had a 3 hour drive to Wisconsin!! I slept the entire way!!

Our first stop was to see Alexander (the son of my parents' friends Andy & Hilary)!!! We actually played together some this time.

I drove him around...

...then he drove me around!

I did some yardwork before we left to thank them for letting us stay!

While we were there, we hung out with our buddies Riley and Ryan. Their parents lived in Paris too. It's a strange phenomenon, but 99.9% of my parents' friends from Paris had boys for their first children. Something must have been in the water there!

Our next stop was to Great Poppy and Grandma's house! My favorite things to do were to hand them my toys...

...and go up to them and pat them. I was adorable!

I had a blast at their house...lots of new things to get into!

Daddy and I on the front porch

Daddy thought he was quite the photographer with this picture...see Poppy in the window?!
Playing in the shrubs...I can entertain myself anywhere!

Mommy and I trying a sidewalk walk. It was my first time to roam free on a sidewalk!

My Great Aunt Sue came to visit! Doesn't she look way too young to be a GREAT Aunt?!

Daddy found a new way to keep track of me...he used Poppy's grabber that he uses to get things without bending low or reaching high!

I enjoyed playing in the suitcase during the trip!

Poppy playing phone with me!