Here goes...Daddy feeding B her first "solid" food


What goes in, must come out...

Ugh! What was that horrible stuff????
She looked excited and ready for attempt #2, but we had the same result. Rice cereal has yet to go down successfully!
She's doing much better at tummy time though!
She's REALLY happy when she's standing. She's ready to be a big girl!!

Here she is in the Miracle Blanket, which has not been as miraculous as it was for me. She's still getting up twice a night. Mommy is SO ready for her to sleep through the night!

Check out the blog from July 2007, and you will see this same photo of me! B and I are opposites though. I was happy going to bed while she's a big grump, and I always woke up a grump (and still do) while she wakes up cooing and smiling!

I like when she wakes me up though. I always want her to play in my bed for a while before I get out.

Here she is napping. She looks uncomfortable, but peaceful.

Mommy and Daddy have been so busy trying to catch her milestones with the camera that I have to beg them to take "more pictures" of me. It's hard to share the limelight sometimes, but overall I like being a big brother!!